Dr. Ş. Akile Zorlu-Durukan


Social Sciences Building, #Z-47

+90 312 210 50 36



Ph. D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006

M. A., Bilkent University, 1997

Areas of Interest

Ottoman-Turkish History (19th and early 20th centuries); modernization; identity formation, cultural transformation, role of religion in nation-building; elites and ideologies, education; literature.


HIST 409 History of Islam

HIST 331 Ottoman Modernization I

HIST 332 Ottoman Modernization II

HIST 317 Socio-political Thought in the Late Ottoman Empire I

HIST 318 Socio-political Thought in the Late Ottoman Empire II

HIST 501 Historical Methodology I

HIST 502 Historical Methodology II

Selected Publications

"Ismayıl Hakkı Baltacıoğlu and Alternative Interpretations of the Early Republican Project," International Journal of Turkish Studies 18: 1&2 (Fall 2012): 39-62.

Kaan Durukan, Robert W. Zens and Akile Zorlu-Durukan. Hoca, 'Allame, Puits de Science:Essays in Honor of Kemal H. Karpat. İstanbul: The ISIS Press, 2010.

Last Updated:
20/04/2022 - 12:55